Tashkent to Samarkand
- The best way to travel between Tashkent and Samarkand is by speed train. The journey time is only two hours and it’s a comfortable ride across the countryside of Uzbekistan. You can book tickets on the official website here or the more user-friendly 12go website here.
- Tickets often sell out so if the speed train is full then try booking one of the slower, cheaper trains such as the Sharq train. It’s also possible to fly there with Uzbekistan Airways.
- A private taxi is more expensive but can be the only option if the trains and flights are sold out. You can book a private transfer here.
- A cheaper alternative is to go by bus. If you have an Uzbek phone number you can book a ticket online here. If not you’ll have to go to the bus station but note that staff are unlikely to speak English.
- For a day trip to Samarkand from Tashkent, the best way is to book an official tour which includes high speed train tickets, door-to-door transfers, and a full guided tour plus lunch with an expert local guide.
The cheapest way to book the train between Tashkent and Samarkand is to do it online on the official website here.
You’ll need to sign up to the official website in order to use it for which you’ll need an Uzbek SIM card. Alternatively you can log in via a Google, Facebook or Telegram account.
It’s not the slickest website in the world so if you have issues signing up or paying then 12Go is the better option. It’s slightly more expensive but is much easier to use.
They also offer 1st class tickets when the official website appears to have sold out.
You can book with 12go here.
There are different types of train, the fastest being Uzbekistan’s ‘bullet train’ the Afrosiyob. Other trains include the slower Sharq and Nasaf trains as well as the overnight long haul cross-country trains known as ‘passenger’ trains (Пассажирский in Russian).
If you have the option then we definitely recommend taking the modern and faster Afrosiyob trains as the other trains will take 3 to 4 hours or longer.
You can choose your own seat and there are different classes of cabin to choose from. Tickets start from 105,000 Som for a basic ticket up to 204,000 Som for a first class ticket.
You can also buy a ticket at the train stations although you may struggle to do this without an Uzbek or Russian speaker. Bring cash and the passports of all travelers as you need ID to ride the trains in Uzbekistan.
The train is often booked up for days or even weeks in advance so make sure to get your tickets early.
It used to be possible to order tickets online even when the official site was sold out but a couple of scandals have brought an end to this practice!
Important Things to Know
- Traveling by train in Uzbekistan is a formal affair and the security is like an airport’s.
- Make sure to bring your passport as you will not be able to enter the train station without it.
- You will need to go through body scanners and also have your luggage scanned before you can enter the train station. Leave your wallet and phone on the table as you pass through the body scanner.
- Afrosiyob tickets come with snacks and a free coffee or tea. There’s also an on-board restaurant.
- Don’t forget your ticket!